Cheap RPG's for PS3


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Are there any nice and cheap-ish RPG's available in the story for PS3? Where I live the physical copies are very limited, and even the nearest store that actually has something is like 100 miles away, so I prefer to just download stuff.

Any recommendations?
I'd definitely recommend downloading Persona 4 onto your PS3, that game has become one of my all-time favorites. A lot of the games in the Tales series have dropped in price (Tales of Xillia 1 and 2, Graces F, Symphonia). There's Ni No Kuni, Final Fantasy X and XIII. I'd recommend looking at the games on sale weekly, there can be a lot of RPGs in there sometimes.
I thought FFXIII trilogy was getting quite little praise from the general public? Sure things like that might not matter all that much, but I was under the impression that it was quite widely accepted as being simply a bad game (or three games).

But oh, I forgot that I actually did have Ni No Kuni from some sale! I really need to get to playing that!
I really enjoyed XIII but I'm a casual RPG player so take that with a grain of salt. I heard the second game isn't very good but the third one is. Just check them out on YouTube to see what you think. Sometimes these games get overhyped to the point that people will always be disappointed with them.
I guess you're right. Although I'm no hardcore gamer myself either, so I'm not looking for a challenge in the sense of, say the ultimate weapons or Excalibur II speedruns, so that would be fine for me. About YouTube, well, we'll see because it's hard to get a grasp of long game like that, but I'll try! Thanks for the suggestions.