Cheating Boyfriends? There’s an App for That


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They don't just sneak around, they sleep around. And if they're already in a relationship, they're called cheaters. In Japan, tech has helped them get away scott free for years. That's changed.

With new smartphones and GPS tracking, it's now possible to find phones—and presumably their owners. But what about privacy? And the law? Ha!

On Aug. 30 in Japan, an Android smartphone app called Kare Log ("Boyfriend Log") launched, allowing girlfriends to track smartphone GPS data via PC as well as the phone's remaining battery life and call history.

If a boyfriend were cheating, the phone's location and call history might reveal his subterfuge. Knowing the battery life could snuff out the oh-my-phone-died excuse. The app's website initially promoted Kare Log as a way to secretly find out if you're boyfriend was a weasel.

According to The Mainichi Daily News (via @markwillacy and @hawkenking), the day Kare Log was released, protest emails were sent to the app's developer, Tokyo-based developer Manuscript.

The complaints were not simply legions of boyfriends upset that their wandering ways would be curbed. The Japanese government even chimed in.

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I think as long as it had FB like protection, it could be a good app.
This sounds kind of like Spyware for Cell phones. I would be worried about the App maker spying on its users, and selling the info to hackers, advertising companies, and other people.
The moment I get that gut feeling that tells me that something is up, and I get the feeling that he isn't being honest, I'll give him one chance to fess up, either way though, I am out the door..

I have gotten to the point where if I can't trust the person I am with then I just won't be with them anymore. No need for me to resort to spying on them or anything like that.
Indeed, plus, you save money and time by not having to buy an App, and installing it on a cell phone. I think this is almost as bad or even worse then those boyfriends or girl friends which always phone you on a cell phone to make sure where you are at, or what you are doing, or hiring a private investigator to follow your partner.

Anyways, if I had a girl friend which used this App I probably dump her since I think we should all respect each others privacy.
DS, she'd probably say yes and then cheat anyway.. if she wasn't cheating already..

Women cheat as well, and do it better than men do.. they only get caught if they get pregnant, and don't make use of Plan B.. or other options before ultimately trying to pass the kid off as his.. (I've heard from a friend of mine who lives in Canada and is studying law, that a woman can collect child support from a man she was involved with, even if the kid is not his and was from a previous relationship..) and if that isn't bad enough, this woman trapped her ex into father hood by holding his "deposit" after a "verbal agreement" and "transaction," deposited said transaction later on without telling him and then sued him years later for child support.

The courts ultimately decided that his "deposit" was a gift, and he has no choice but to pay child support.
She (Dr. Irons) was also cheating on her husband at the time she was engaged to Dr. Phillips, and upon discovering that she was still married, he ended the relationship. It is pretty odd that this happened between doctors when it usually happens to athletes, and groupies who are handy with a turkey baster..

Women cheat more than men, are more likely to cheat, cheat better than men, and because they can get away with it a lot better than a man would.. and if a pregnancy occurs, then, depending on where you live, you'll have to pay for it for the next 18 years, regardless of paternity.

Here's the pièce de résistance..

When a man cheats, he is a dog, who should burn in the hottest fires of hell, be castrated.. etc.. etc..

When a woman cheats, it is because her man was a dog who caused her to cheat and people will either cheer her on for "upgrading" feel sorry for her because of the man that caused (or tricked) her to cheat, or both. People don't hate her, they idolize her and the fact that women are still deemed as the 'fairer sex' by society (the same thing that gets female pedophiles/teachers off with a slap on the wrist for statutory rape, whereas a man would have the book thrown at him..) makes it all to easy.

In short, when a man cheats, it is the man's fault.

When a woman cheats, it is the man's fault. Be it the man she cheated on, who allegedly forced her into the arms/bed of another, or the person she cheated with, who either, pursued her until she gave in, or rescued her from the man she was with before.

And, for the record, I don't condone cheating, sperm theft or the way that women have used their gender and the legal system to screw men over. Furthermore, I am not saying that all women do this, but the fact that women have done it is a really big problem, especially when we still have the problem of dead-beat dads.. and it is something that, to put it nicely, irks me.