Children Sold for Video Game Money


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According to Chinese newspaper Sanxiang City News (reported by ABC), a gamer couple in Dongguan sold three of their children to get money to play online games in internet cafes.

The couple met back in 2007, hit it off, and had a child. A couple years later, the couple had another baby, a girl, and got the bright idea to sell her. They found a buy who paid them the equivalent of less than $500. After their sales success, the couple then put their first child on the market, and he fetched much more -- around $4600. The couple, having recognized a good business opportunity, had a third child, and sold him for $4600 as well.

When asked if they missed their children, the parents answered, "We don’t want to raise them, we just want to sell them for some money.”

I understand there are cultural differences between the United States and China, but even so, it seems like a really low price to get for a newborn. I don't think they did as much marketing as they should have. Adopting Chinese babies is big business, and many people in the US are paying up to $50k for adoptable kids.

Also: Be aware that this story might not be true. Chinese newspapers often report things that are, let's say, embellished, and this has the feeling of an urban legend...


true or not, that is not right. I hope the couple rot in jail if this is true.