China Says the iPhone Is a Security Threat


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China's (massively influential) state broadcaster has decided that the iPhone is a "national security concern" because of its location-tracking functionality.
The Wall Street Journal reports that, in a broadcast aired at noon on Friday 11th July, China Central Television said that the "frequent locations" function in iOS could be a security threat to the country. It said that the data recorded by iOS could help "people"—by which we assume it means "Americans"—gain knowledge of the broader situation in China or "even state secrets."

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I think electronics like the iPhone sending data back to the NSA has been exposed many months a go since Edward Snowden who is the famous NSA Leaker leaked documents that said the government hack electronics like iPhones, Routers, and other devices, and sometimes even work with companies, and replace the chips inside them to make your device send data back to the NSA, and US Government.
Like anything could be tracked in China, once you get behind their walls you are pretty much controlled.