China's smartphone market slows down


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The juggernaut that is the Chinese smartphone market slipped a gear for the first time in 27 months in 2013's fourth quarter, declining 4.3 per cent from the previous three months, according to IDC.

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I think most people who want a Smartphone have one already in China.

Tablets are cheaper than Smartphone, and offer better performance, and a bigger screen without a need of a contract to use one. Chinese people who don't need a smartphone, but want to use a few apps like Angry Birds, Twitter, etc would buy a tablet because it is cheaper than a smartphone, and has a bigger screen. Tablets also have GPS, Bluetooth, Cameras, and other features which a Smartphone have, and if you Skype, Facebook, and Twitter, you basically can turn your tablet into a smartphone when you are connected to the internet.
what part of their marketplace is slowing down? The true smartphones or the cheap knock offs?
I bet the Cheap Knock off market is not really slowing down while true smartphones made by Apple, Samsung, and LG are becoming less popular in China since the Chinese are not as loyal to brands compared to the US, and Europe. Chinese people like cheap stuff while also looking trendy without paying the expensive prices.

It is very difficult to track knock off sales of smartphones since selling knock offs are illegal, and usually sold online, and secret places.