Christian Games Get Releases


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Inspired Media, the religious game development company behind Left Behind: Eternal Forces, has just secured a distribution deal with Wal-Mart. Soon, over 100 Texas Wal-Mart locations will feature Inspired's god-themed gaming products. Why Texas? Because that's where the religious people live: There are 23,000 churches in the Lone Star State. Texas ranks first in the nation in the number of Evangelical Protestants (over 5 million), second in number of Mainline Protestants (over 1.7 million) and third in number of Catholics.

Troy Lyndon, CEO of Inspired Media says, "The US market for Christian video games could reach $648 Million within the next five years based upon just 3% of video game sales being in the Christian segment."

Right now, Inspired's flagship series (Left Behind) hasn't had a new release in several years, so it's weird that this deal is coming together now...and what's the deal with the marketing speak of this Lyndon guy. Treating a religion like a marketing segment is a little cynical, don't you think?

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