Christmas avatars?


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Well, I've seen a lot of people with Christmas themed avatars recently, so I guess post here if you changed your avatar for the Christmas season.
I am currently sporting a ridiculously cute Shy Guy in Christmas a getup, like I always do each Christmas. It's a... *sniff*... NintenDan tradition...
I changed mine... It's my newest (and favorite) fan character I created... I call him 'Ray the Fox'... with a Santa hat. I wanted him to hold a candy cane, but I couldn't find a sprite for it, or a small enough image with a transparent or white background (maybe I just didn't look hard enough.)
I changed mine... It's my newest (and favorite) fan character I created... I call him 'Ray the Fox'... with a Santa hat. I wanted him to hold a candy cane, but I couldn't find a sprite for it, or a small enough image with a transparent or white background (maybe I just didn't look hard enough.)
Or just didn't make one yourself.

Thanks again to Arclla for putting this up.
It's nice, but then it doesn't look like much effort was put into it. However my one looks pretty neat, and not the generic 'Santa hat' avvie.
Also, Thx arc.
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Ho ho ho my god that's the scariest thing I've seen since NB+'s Santa avatar.