Chrome May Lose Its URL Bar


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Could Google be dropping the URL bar next? It could.

It's not like Chrome is a particularly heavy browser as far as its UI is concerned, but Google is apparently thinking about removing even more elements from Chrome's surface to give web content more space. In this latest move, there is the idea that the URL bar, called Omnibox, could be eliminated from the browser UI, which would give Chrome more vertical space for web pages and applications.

However, it isn't a done deal yet and Google specifically mentions that users would have an opportunity to switch between the old "classic" layout and the new "compact" version. And even if the URL bar disappears, it is not eliminated in its entirety. The URL bar would simply be integrated into open tabs and could be edited in those as well.

Strangely enough, Google is planning to do more with the URL bar in the future than it has in the past, which questions the chances of the removal of the URL bar. Chrome 11 or Chrome 12 are set to receive an Omnibox extension that will allow users to launch web apps directly from the URL bar.


I'm not sure if I want to use a browser without an address bar.
I don't think they would do that, it would just cause too much trouble and people would throw a fit over it. I mean the URL bar is sort of an integral part of web browsing and getting rid of it in favor of more vertical space is stupid and would just seem counterproductive
I think the Address bar is still very important in Chrome since it is also the search box for Chrome. I think Google might be planning to make their browser more like cell phones where people click on Shortcuts for apps to get their information from Websites like Facebook, Gmail, and Twitter.
if google does this it will lead to one of the two things:

1. they will redefine browsers and change the history of browsers in the coming future.

2. this will backfire and chrome will be destroyed.

I'm betting on number 2.
I heard Chrome will have two themes if this happens. Users can choose to use the classic theme with an address bar, or stick with the new theme without an address bar.

But, I feel saving more space on a browser is not so important these days since a lot of people use 17-20 inch monitors at high resolutions like 1024x768 pixels, so websites have a lot of space on a monitor.
I think there just be one version of chrome running, but you just go into the themes setting to change the skin for the browser like Firefox, and other web browser which you can change the theme ( ) in the themes program or hide the address bar when you uncheck the "Navigation Toolbar" by going to view menu > Toolbar or in the right click menu for the toolbar area of the screen to remove the address bar.

I got a feeling some people might have complained to Google that it was impossible to hide the "address bar" in Google Chrome like FireFox, IE, Opera, and other browsers by changing the settings on what tool bars you want to view while browsing the web.
Wow great stuff man. Thanks for sharing and I can't wait to hear the final decision and the UI if its approved.
Chrome might become more like FireFox's User interface where it is possible to show or hide the Navigation(address) bar, bookmark toolbar, status bar, menu bar, and third party toolbar by changing the settings on the top view menu's Toolbar, and status bar settings on the top of the browser.
Seems interesting! I can't wait to learn more about this!
i have heard bad things about google chrome (mainly privacy concerns) so i'm probably never going to download it to my computer. let alone replace my dear firefox.
How would you even get around the web without an address bar? O.o
I use firefox, but still, that just seems plain odd. The removal of a huge part of web browsing for what, half an inch more of room?
I would so try to use it, because it would be a lot different to what I am normally used to. As lon as there is still a way to type SOMETHING in I will be happy eh.