Circle or Square Shaped Pizza?


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I like circle shape pizza more because it looks more fun than a square pizza which looks not as fun.
I don't mind either way, kind of squares more than anything, more piece options.
I don't mind either way, kind of squares more than anything, more piece options.
Same here and you are right there are more piece options with a square pizza.
A square pizza is somehow easier to cut and separate. Circular pizzas leave you to question how many slices to cut. Even numbers? Odd numbers? Six or Eight?
I also I feel a square pizza would be better if you have many guest since it has more options on how to cut it.
Pizza is pizza so I don't care too much about the shape, to be honest. I would prefer the circular ones though because it's just what I'm used to
I feel carrying 2 slices of circle shaped Pizza can be easier if the circular plate is big enough.