PC/Mobile Civilization VI announced

Dragon Fly

Well-Known Member
Firaxis has announced the next game in the famous series will be released 21 October (source). They have since disclosed quite a big amount of information, apart from screenshots (some people are already complaining about the graphics being 'too cartoony"). Among the new features is a simplified terrain improvement mechanic and new research system, where technology advancement depends on your access to resources and specific environment e.g. you can develop new seafaring capabilities much faster when you own a port.

(sorry for posting news from last month, but I've noticed there was no thread about this yet).
This is probably the only game I am really excited about that is coming in the next six months. Other than one backstep, I think each of the civ games has done a great job in making the game better with each new addition. I like the idea of buidings giving buffs to the rate you research certain things, it makes it more logical and also presents pathways for players.
They're really changing up this game a lot from Civ V, but I'm definitely not opposed to most of the changes. I don't quite know how I feel about the aesthetics, but that's nothing a few mods can't fix. I read elsewhere that they're planning on giving the AI's personalities, which would be a ton of fun. For example, one Civ leader would like building wonders a ton, and will get annoyed if you build any, and will attempt to build all of them. Things like that. They also have a lot of changes for works, limiting their uses, which would probably make the game more interesting just because I tended to put the workers on auto late in the game. I'm super hyped for this game to come out in October! Just wish that wasn't around midterms for me!
@YaBoyJoey Unique AI personalities are an awesome idea, althoguhg I'm afraid they might be limiting for the AI as well - we'll see how it works out, I think we can trust Firaxis to deliver quality content and if it fails first (like amking AI prone to exploits from the human player), they can easily fix it with a DLC. If you're too busy in October, you can always buy yourself a Civilized gift for Christmas :)
I am looking forward to it. My favourite game in the Civ series is Civ V, at the moment and I wonder if they can top it with the addition of Civ 6.
I am looking forward to it. My favourite game in the Civ series is Civ V, at the moment and I wonder if they can top it with the addition of Civ 6.

Mine too, although Civ 4 comes close second for me. We have seen steady progress with each new game, so I guess they will improve the series even further. I also hope we finally get a multiplayer mode worth of Civilization fame, the games were meant for single player msotly, but in this day and age people expect a strong MP option too. I think new features, like the simplified worker unit mechanic, should help achieve that.
I sincerely hope that they look at what went wrong with Beyond Earth and salvage the Civilization series back into greatness. Civ V was, and remains, one of the most popular strategy games on Steam with a massive playerbase.

What I want to see is better tech trees allowing for more diverse strategies.
I sincerely hope that they look at what went wrong with Beyond Earth and salvage the Civilization series back into greatness. Civ V was, and remains, one of the most popular strategy games on Steam with a massive playerbase.

What I want to see is better tech trees allowing for more diverse strategies.
I'm definitely hoping they learn from the mistakes they made from BE, which was a huge letdown for me. I'm looking forward to seeing what they do and don't change from Civ V.
Even though I'm pretty excited for Civ VI, I'll probably wait out on buying it until reviews come out and probably until the price drops. I really enjoy Civ V but games take so long I find it hard to find enough time to play.
I just got into civ 5 and I'm loving it! It's one of those games where I don't get stressed out playing and I can just kick back and relax and play the game for hours on end. I'm already looking forward to the next one.
(some people are already complaining about the graphics being 'too cartoony")

It's true, I hate to play super good games like this and have to worry about new editions coming out with looney tune characters. I don't want to see graphics go back to PS2 types as well, but more games coming out these days are trading off graphics for bigger maps, etc. I don't like that at all.

GTA 5 did that, I was disappointed in the way that game looked that I returned it 2 days after I got if from the midnight release when it came out. I returned it for less than I payed but I did not care, I just didn't want the game.

I'm very interested to see what this one plays like. Civilization games are always go though.
It's true, I hate to play super good games like this and have to worry about new editions coming out with looney tune characters. I don't want to see graphics go back to PS2 types as well, but more games coming out these days are trading off graphics for bigger maps, etc. I don't like that at all.

This seems a reasonabl;e trade-off in Civilization games, at least I think so - I always turn off unit animations, for example, so game proceeds faster ;) I suppose the apparent simplification of graphics, in this case, is due to Firaxis hoping to get into smarpthone app market. More and more people play on their phones nowadays, so it's probably a good move in financial terms, even if it's at the expense of PC capabilities.
This seems a reasonabl;e trade-off in Civilization games, at least I think so - I always turn off unit animations, for example, so game proceeds faster ;) I suppose the apparent simplification of graphics, in this case, is due to Firaxis hoping to get into smarpthone app market. More and more people play on their phones nowadays, so it's probably a good move in financial terms, even if it's at the expense of PC capabilities.

I honestly don't understand why people play games like this on their phones. It does not seem like it would really be the best platform to play such a game. I have tried other games like this on my Android and just could not accept the fact that I felt like I was hooking my PS3 up to my cell phone screen. I also feel like I have to trade a PS3 controller for a touch screen.
I have seen some images of the game and it doesn't seem that bad. I don't see why they say that it's too "cartoony". It seems to follow the line that they have accustomed us too. I guess it will be different once we try it out for ourselves but so far I wouldn't say it doesn't seem too far off to any other civilizations game they have launched recently.
Well they just took care of my Christmas shopping for the husband for this year. Well the game part of it anyway. Civilizations is seriously the game that he's gotten the most play out of. It's not my style of game but I can see objectively that it's a good game with great replay-ability. I hope that it's as good as the other games in the series.