Cleaning up your computer


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How often do you take the time to clean up your computer? Like delete files, take off unneeded programs. Disk Defragmenter your computer and use disk clean up and any other clean up helping programs?

and if you do, do you see that it helps?
Once a week or once every twice a week for deleting unused files.

I only defrag probably once a month or less depending how many files I deleted, or how many programs I newly installed.

I run scandisk if my computer did not shutdown properly.

It helps a little.
This OS, not at all, Linux has no Defrag program, though I fsck(it checks the disk for errors, basically a DOS version of scandisk) when I restart every 20th time or so, and when I am having errors.
No, it saves space by packing data as close to each-other as possible, thus stopping fragmentation as it only uses a sub-partition type system.
QUOTE (dynastygal @ April 30, 2009 05:55 pm)I only tend to do it out of sheer boredome or when my computer is being slow for some reason, so I tend to clear cpu space and do virus etc scans.
Same for me.

I tend to do virus, and spyware scan when I am bored or if I have to go check out my online banking acount.

I do maintenance when I am bored as well.
I dont do much maintenance, seeing as how I dont do much install/uninstalling. I do check for virus' every week or so, so Im covered there.
Meh I don't do it often. normally I get tons of pictures on my desktop and I make a folder called "Crap" or "I NEED TO CLEAN MORE OFTEN" and then just drag everything in there since my dad yells at me when my laptop gets all crowded :squint:
Well first off any os needs a defragment program.

Its just their filesystem(fat,ext3,etc..) defrags slower or faster then others.

Linux also does have defragment programs.


I do not have to do alot of cleaning,it is mainly installing I have to do as I start from either a minimal install or a very light distro.
I believe bootable OSes do not require any maintaining because the entire OS is on a CD or flash drive, and the data never changes. Once your PC is rebooted everything is gone.

But, if you install your OS onto a HD then you need to regularly maintain it to make sure it is secure, fast, and reliable.