Clip-on keyboard for iPhone 6 Plus


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Little keyboards are not for everyone, but for those who need real keys for typing they can be an adequate solution for doing lots of typing. While there are a few large standalone keyboards that can be used with iPhones, based on the response to our coverage of a small one from Boxwave for the iPhone 6, some prefer tiny keyboards that fit the phone exactly.

The long form of the iPhone 6 Plus lends itself for use with these minuscule keyboards, and the Brando Utra-thin Bluetooth Keyboard fits the phone nicely. This gizmo can be attached to the iPhone for transport, and can do so with the phone face down, protecting the phone screen, or with the display exposed for using it with the keyboard attached.

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This does look like a nice keyboard for the iPhone 6 Plus.

There are so many why's in this pic.

Why would someone get this when the screen is 5.5"?

Why is the on-screen keyboard taking up so much of the screen?

Why can't the user specify the opacity so that they can see the screen while they type?

Why don't they just use a better keyboard app since Apple has finally allowed developers to make keyboard apps for their devices?

Why would someone settle for an iPhone 6+ when they can get a Note 4 and have a much better device, especially for the money spent, specs and features and have all of these options available to them?

Why, why, why, why, why?
Cierra said:
I don't like iPhones, but this keyboard looks pretty nice if you need to type a lot. 
I agree this keyboard case is good for people who need to type a lot, or use a lot of keyboard shortcuts on apps.
It also look like a nice basic case for the iPhone 6 Plus when you are not using it in typing mode.
Black Angel said:

There are so many why's in this pic.

Why would someone get this when the screen is 5.5"?

Why is the on-screen keyboard taking up so much of the screen?

Why can't the user specify the opacity so that they can see the screen while they type?

Why don't they just use a better keyboard app since Apple has finally allowed developers to make keyboard apps for their devices?

Why would someone settle for an iPhone 6+ when they can get a Note 4 and have a much better device, especially for the money spent, specs and features and have all of these options available to them?

Why, why, why, why, why?
because the iphone sells like hot cakes :P

but the keyboard looks too small for me to use.
Demon_Skeith said:
because the iphone sells like hot cakes :P

but the keyboard looks too small for me to use.
Indeed, the iPhone sells very well in the Luxury smartphone category.

Using this keyboard would be better to use than all on-screen touchscreen keyboard apps including the default Keyboard apps for iOS, and Android since a touchscreen is not very good for typing a lot of text at once.