CoD Player Loses Game, Calls SWAT Team


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Usually, the worst you can expect a Call of Duty opponent to do is to be a little salty after losing a match—maybe they'll curse a little, maybe they'll rate you badly on Xbox Live or something. But calling a SWAT team on you? Dang, bro.

The New York Post reports that a prank caller used Skype to lie to the police, claiming that he was 17 year-old Rafael Castillo—and that he had just killed his mother and might kill more.

The cops took this supposed threat seriously, and they sent in more than 60 officers with weapons to Castillo's home in Long Beach. There was even a special operations unit there, along with choppers and fire trucks. But during the two hour stand-off, the police found that the mother was alive. It became obvious that something was amiss.

The police tried to call down Rafael Castillo for twenty minutes, but he was too engrossed in his game to hear them. (Of course he was.) Eventually Castillo did come out and police could see there was no danger, thankfully.

Police say that the disgruntled gamer who called the prank in probably tracked Castillo's IP address to figure out his home address. Earlier, Castillo had received threats from his Call of Duty opponent, who was upset that he had lost against Castillo.

The prank pulled by the Call of Duty player over Skype may sound familiar, as "swatting"—calling the police on someone—is an old griefing method that unfortunately uses up a lot of valuable resources. Fortunately, nobody was hurt.

I'm shocked the cops didn't shoot and ask questions later.
I'm surprise the Police takes call with Skype, and did not phone the house,  the mom, or the guys cell phone since Skype can be so easy to fake a call with, and not really an official way to call the police. Plus, the phone numbers for the house, and people living in the house should be easy to find by looking in the Phone book, phoning up the phone company, etc.

Plus, the police can easily contacted Skype to ask for the pranksters I.P., and Skype would of given it to them, and most likely the Skype I.P. the prankster use was not located in the same city, so it is an obvious fake.
The guy uses Xbox Live to play Call of Duty, so Microsoft would most likely be able to find the guy's I.P. address, and other personal information if the guy use a credit card or Paypal to pay for Xbox Live since credit card companies, and Paypal know your address, your bank account info, and other info about you after you setup an account.

It is still kind of weird that the Police took a Skype call seriously since there are a lot of trolls on Skype since people can make fake accounts like Twitter which has tons of trolls making fake threats to harm others, but rarely do.
They should take away all of his video games for life or until he moves out of his mother's house at least..
I agree, they should take all his video games away for life, keep him out of his mothers basement, and punish him by making him join some sort of an Army boot camp where he would need to exercise/train for most of the day like those Chinese boot camps where they treat addicted gamers by making them exercise a lot.
I agree boot camps are tough no matter where they are. I read on Kotaku that a Chinese gamer died by beating while attending a boot camp for gaming addiction.

Boot camps can be pretty dangerous if you have a bad heart condition, breathing problems like Asthma, or the staff beat up the camp members for disobedience.
I've heard of people being sore losers; but, that's taking the loser bit to a whole new level of low.
That person is such a sore loser. I don't think they deserve to play video games if they are just going to waste other people's time and accomplish nothing.