Colored Docks For 3DS XL Only in Japan.



I guess its true that Japan is better. Why cant we have all the cool stuff that they get.
Man, why can't we get that!?

I've been waiting for a silver 3DS XL to be released since the day it came out, but we're still stuck with a crappy color selection here in North America. >:(
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I am perfectly content with black. Nintendo just knows that Japan generally fandoms hard over everything, while worldwide not as much I guess.
You guys are just greedy. Do you really need a different color? Really? They all do the same thing! Its neat to see though :)

I love my black one as my decor is black, but for others it isn't about greed or necessity. It is the same concept as wallpaper and flooring and items in Animal Crossing - it is about expressing one's self through their material possessions.

Also, if you have more than one person in the house with the same item, rather than ruining it like I did my AC adapter by writing my name on it in sharpy so TigressStar and I could tell who's was who's, it would be nice to have a variety of colors so one person can have purple and the other pink - in the case of Tig and I for example. Especially important if one person takes better care of their belongings than the other. I am OCD about my care and maintenance of all my belongings where as others aren't. I don't want them touching my crap. lol