Do you mean sun glasses for making your light not as bright?
No, I find opening the windows curtains or turning on a small lamp to help with eye strain since the monitor is not as bright when there are other lights on. Increasing the font size with CTRL + + (zoom in) also helps with reading without squinting or sitting too close to the monitor.
I also only use the PC for 2 hours at most before I take a short break.
I wonder if Sun Glasses from Wal-Mart, and other discount stores will also do the same thing at a lower price since these computer glasses seem kind of expensive.
I think most prescription glasses these days also have an Anti-glare coating to help with driving with sun light shinning in front of you, and headlights flashing you.
It is best to go to an eye doctor also called an optometrists since I heard wearing random glasses can damage your vision worse then not wearing glasses at all because of the magnification, and the UV coating in sun glasses is not good enough to protect you from Sun/light rays and UV rays.