Conficker Cashes In


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Last week the world cried out in horror as the clock struck midnight on April 1 and the infamous Conficker virus, which has infected millions of PCs worldwide, did…nothing. That's right, the Conficker worm woke up, poked around for a while, and then continued to just "hang out" in the countless PCs it has infected. But, after a week of waiting, users began to feel Conficker start to slither around in their PCs (figuratively, of course) and researchers have now discovered what they believe to be Conficker's primary function: making money.

Conficker started doing stuff yesterday, like communicating with host servers and downloading new malicious software. One item of malware (one of many, researchers believe) that is now digging its way into a user's OS is a fraudulent anti-virus software that claims to remove the virus…for a fee. The fake software, Spyware Protect 2009, installs itself into an afflicted PC, and through a legitimate-looking user interface, convinces users to spend $49.95 of their hard-earned cash to rid themselves and their machine of the virus, which, of course, it doesn't.

Another bot riding piggyback on Conficker is Waledac, a virus designed to steal sensitive user data and circulate spam.

Long story short, folks, is that Conficker isn't over.

Based on this, Conflicker is like a gateway to inatalling fake and malicious software, tricking users to buy them, like other downloaders. We may not have seen the last of the Conflicker worms just yet.
Man, I hope none of the people who were trick into buying the fake Anti-Virus use a credit card to pay since giving a CC # to criminals is risky. Paypal is more Secure.
Unless they used one of those PrePaid Credit Card which are like Gift Cards you can buy at Safeway, the bank, etc since once they spend all the cash on their prepaid card their CC number becomes useless.

They might be able to get their money back, too since they can report it to their CC company as fraud, and the cc company cancel the transaction, but I advise prepaid CC card holders to spend all their CC money on their balance quikly, so when the criminals use the number the balance be Zero.
Well, honestly, if you use a descent firewall/anti-virus combination you should be good
QUOTE (Demon_Skeith @ April 11, 2009 09:42 am) QUOTE (Stosh @ April 11, 2009 08:30 am) Well, honestly, if you use a descent firewall/anti-virus combination you should be good

not all people do that though

Well, people need to think about things like this, they really do... I use AVG free, it has no firewall, what most people dont know. I honestly dont use a firewall, its just easier that way. As I have a crapload of stuff that would trip it... But I still dont browse sites I dont trust. Yes I do use a torrent program. But honestly, I would use a private tracker(not known to many people, demoniod is sorta one... the admins dont put up with that shi-) and still scan everything you some in contact with. Maintain a scan every 2 or 3 days. You will see why I have never had a virus/trojan/keylogger/anything along those lines.
A lot of people use routors these days, so their routor should have a decent NAT firewall.

It is also important to have anti-spyware program like spybot.
Yeah, but most people dont think about that, or people like me who have issues with that firewall(I run apache, it would close port 80) And stuff like that
I believe most router firewalls have a way to open up ports in The router Configuration, but that can be very technical for the average person who is not very familiar with routers.

When I download Torrented files I used to have to manually closed and open ports, so the router won't slow down the download speeds.