Console Generation Battle Damage


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oh the horror!
What's the point of wasting all those good consoles? There's been a trend on YouTuber to destroy goods for the sake of creating shocking content and, subsequently, get views. Seriously, these kind of videos where they destroy stuff for views have always annoyed me.
I'm surprise to see that the Xbox 360 survive the drop from 15 feet.

At least, this video is more entertaining than other videos which shows people destroying consoles. I'm not annoyed by people destroying stuff for YouTube views because its their stuff, so they should have a right to do what they want with their stuff, and everything eventually breaks, gets damage, or thrown in the trash or recycled.

Damaging stuff for the sake of online views is not much different than filming a movie where a lot of stuff like cars, props, houses, toys, and food gets destroyed and wasted while making a full length movie which is watch by billions of people.
alakazam said:
What's the point of wasting all those good consoles? There's been a trend on YouTuber to destroy goods for the sake of creating shocking content and, subsequently, get views. Seriously, these kind of videos where they destroy stuff for views have always annoyed me.
they're just trying to find the right console that would survive the apocalypse :P
Demon_Skeith said:
they're just trying to find the right console that would survive the apocalypse :P
I think the original Gameboy is pretty durable. The Gameboy was built like a brick.