Consumer electronics spending down, but not for Apple


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A recent ChangeWave survey shows that the downturn in the economy has affected consumer spending habits when it comes to electronics. But Apple, despite having a reputation as an "expensive" brand, is looking better than ever.

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I guest most people own most of the non-Apple electronics like the Amazon Kindle Fire, and buying a different branded non-Apple brand like HP or Dell electronics and computers are pretty much the same if they both have similar operating systems like Windows and parts like an Intel i7 CPU, 8GB of RAM, and a SSD drive, but fewer people own Apple products, and may want to tryout iOS, or Mac OS X because of their bad experiences with getting many virus programs on Windows, poor technical support from a Windows PC maker, or a slow performing Google Android phone, and currently the only alternatives are either Apple, Linux, or smaller brands, and most people like picking big brands like Apple because they are familiar with the name, and can get computer help by walking into an Apple Store.
I think there just afraid to step outside of their comfert zone really :P
I agree, I know people who still mostly use VCRs, DVD players, Windows XP or older, CD players, and other older electronics because they are comfortable using older stuff, and they feel new things are hard to use, and expensive.

Plus, there are many old people who use Apple computers since Apple is one of the oldest computer companies like Microsoft, so I think if you combine the old people who grew up only buying Apple PCs, and the young people who buy Apple iPods, iPads, and iPhones than there would be a lot of Apple owners.

I guest old people who owned an Apple computer are also more likely to buy an iPad, iPhone, and iPod because they are too comfortable with Apple.