Controllers Vs. Keyboard and Mouse


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Do you use controllers while playing games on PC or do you play with a keyboard and mouse? Even though I have a PC controller, I mostly play with a keyboard and a mouse. Even though controllers will give you better accuracy while playing games, a keyboard and a mouse will give you flexibility. What do you think?
Controller if console. Keyboard if PC because I'm lazy, but I'm terrible with a touchpad and keyboard because I don't use a mouse.
If it’s on the computer, I use the keyboard & mouse. If it’s the gaming system, I use their own controller. I know of gamers who tend to use both of them. But it also depends on what game is being played & just their preference at the time.
Usually KB+M on PC, but I occasionally use a controller for action games. I’ve been using a wired 360 controller for the past 13 years that recently got replaced by the latest wireless Xbox controller. I’m actually considering upgrading from Windows 10 to 11 so I can utilize the Share button for taking screenshots.