Could installing a PCI Wired Ethernet Network Card on a desktop PC make games run faster and online gaming run better?


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I think PCI network cards have its own processor built-into the PCI card which may make games run slightly faster on a slower computer if the network card no longer uses CPU resources from the CPU installed on your motherboard.

There are some network cards which have Gigabit Ethernet, so if your PC came with 100 mbps ethernet, using a gigabit network card may improve online gaming, and playing streaming games like Google Stadia.
Having a faster Ethernet port in general would make a more noticeable difference in general than swapping from CPU to PCIE. Though that all depends if your internet is garbage or not.

When it comes from installing a PCIE Ethernet as opposed to the on board Ethernet, the performance boost is so negligible you might as well put that money towards a better CPU or graphics card.
I think if the onboard network card driver have not been updated in many years, and have unfixed software problems for the drivers, using a newer network card which may have updated drivers which have no driver software problem may improve a Gaming PC performance and reliability.

Newer networking microchips and parts maybe designed better for newer operating systems, and faster internet connections like gigabit internet.
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I already stated that a faster Ethernet port than what’s on the computer would help internet speeds, but if you’re trying to also speed up CPU resources, eventually you’re going to have to address the issue of the CPU being too slow.

If you know the source of a problem, you should target the source instead of trying to fix everything but the source. Would all of these other minor fixes work? Sure, but it’d make much more sense to fix the main issue instead of everything else.
There is a lot of factors, but this would be one of them that would help.
I think PCI network cards have its own processor built-into the PCI card which may make games run slightly faster on a slower computer if the network card no longer uses CPU resources from the CPU installed on your motherboard.

There are some network cards which have Gigabit Ethernet, so if your PC came with 100 mbps ethernet, using a gigabit network card may improve online gaming, and playing streaming games like Google Stadia.
Wow, I haven't used an enthernet card in a long time. Most "modern" PCs have gigabit networking built in. I'd rather focus on that and a really nice internet connection with my ISP.

To answer your question, maybe on an older PC.