Could the Coronavirus sickness make Stadia more popular?


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I think some people may use Stadia to stream games because their local game store is closed or not getting new game shipments as soon because of the Coronavirus causing store closures. The Coronavirus may delay the shipments of Gaming computers, computer parts upgrades like hard drive, ram and video cards, and game consoles may experience a shortage because of the Coronavirus.
It will make video games popular, but since not many are biting on Stadia (or can't due to lack of product) it won't gain much.
It will make video games popular, but since not many are biting on Stadia (or can't due to lack of product) it won't gain much.

I agree the Coronavirus will make video games a more popular hobby since more people no longer want to go to places with a lot of people, and video games is a hobby that you can do at home by yourself.

I feel some people without a fast computer or game console may try out Stadia on their phone, tablet, or current PC because they don't want to buy new gaming hardware because of the fear of getting the Coronavirus, or they don't have enough money because they got sent home from their job because their workplace got infected by the Coronavirus.
There’s still the issue of data caps, Stadia game library, and internet speeds.

I think most people would just stick to downloading games on PC/consoles and play through those.
If it is possible, Subscribing to a faster internet connection with unlimited data or a higher data cap can be a good idea for people who are stuck in a country where people are recommended to stay home because of the Coronavirus.

I feel some people may try out game demos on Stadia for a few minutes before they decide if they want to buy the game on Stadia or Steam.

There are some people who only own Google Chromebooks, and cheaper Windows PC where installing games are not possible, so they may more likely try game streaming services like Stadia, Playstation Now, etc because they are limited to only playing older and smaller file size games because their computer is not fast enough, or have enough storage space to play most newer games like Grand Theft Auto 5.
There are still too many issues with Stadia for it to become popular. The biggest being the issue with data caps. The people that have unlimited data are probably not the target market for this service. And the people will lower data caps aren't going to be able to use Stadia properly.