Could Using Voice Commands on a PC or Phone at School Make Students more likely to Bully You?


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It is possible that using voice commands on a PC or phone may make you more likely to be bullied at school if a bully in your class don't like your voice, or you use voice search to search for country and folk music which is not popular music in many schools, and other people hear your voice search and results.
I fail to see your point since you do have to talk in class to give answers and stuff.
I fail to see your point since you do have to talk in class to give answers and stuff.

There are some posts I saw from strangers who call "voice commands for electronics like game consoles" dumb, a waste of time, and bad, so these people may also call people dumb for using voice commands because of their negative opinion of voice commands being dumb, and a waste of time.

Example of people hating on voice commands:

Sorry, I just think that voice commands are a waste of time and resources. That, and talking to your computer makes you look like a huge dork.



who cares? the overwhelming majority of this board thinks voice commands are retarded, remember? REMEMBER?


If I saw someone loudly speaking to their computer when I was in Elementary School, I probably be afraid the person speaking to their PC is crazy, and will suddenly do something crazy like pulling the fire alarm when there is no fire. But, PCs were less advance in the past, so it was very uncommon for people to use voice commands to control their PC, game console, phone, and home electronics.

I agree students do need to talk in class unless the teacher never ask a certain student to answer questions, and none of your classmates talks to you for whatever reason.

There are some students who are bullied by other students, and their teacher for not knowing the answer, or talking with a foreign accent, or an accent which does not match their gender like a girl with a deep husky voice, and a boy with a high girly voice. A lot of online comments also make fun of videos of girls with manly voices, and guys with a high voice similar to most women's voices.
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I think I'm seeing your point but assuming the school has all command in take PCs I don't think it be an issue. If someone brought one then they would most likely be jealous if anything.

I agree jealousy can be an issue if a student brings in a Xbox or Laptop which is connected to a Microsoft Kinect which uses mostly voice commands, and motion commands for games, and moving a mouse cursor.

I read a lot of posts from gamers which say the Microsoft Kinect's voice and motion controls are uncool, and there are intense online debates between people who like and dislike the Kinect.

I guest, things can sometimes get out of hand when younger and immature users debate about how cool or uncool voice commands are sort of like how some people debate on iPhone being better than Android, or Android being better than iPhone. Eventually, some iPhone and Android fans choose to insult each other by calling each other dumb for their loyalty to their favorite phone operating system.