Count to 15. Game 7 Finale!?! Nah Just Last Week

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Artisan Vistra

Everyone's Rival
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Post in this topic here and get the game count to 15, staff will post in the topic using a random generator to reduce the number by a random amount between 1-10.

If you post 14, and no one replies in the topic for 1 hour, you may make the winning 15 number post. The game will restart each time it hits 15, the person who posts 15 may start the next topic, increasing the game count number (ie count to 15 - game 2).

Winners get: 250 points (per topic)
Those who attempt: 50 points (only once)

I forgot to post the winning points you get, sorry about that.
GL and have fun but now I feel bad for whoever didn't win... :<

1 thing, I don't know why, it doesn't even matter how hard you try.
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