Country Music

My parents love country.

It's okay I guess, not really my kind of songs, they are mostly about getting drunk, family, and love songs.

My favorite country aritst is Sugarland and George Strait
I can't stand country. There are a few songs that get stuck in my head though like fearless and love story. xD
Country is a great genre. Although I'm not particularly fond of the artists that major in pop/modern music that just go in country for the profit, or are rather just not country. Artists like these: Taylor Swift, Rascal Flatts, Jessica Simpson. I use to be big on country and still am but being a critique as well I can't stand cliche lyrics in songs like: Keith Urban - Everbody Needs Somebody, or George Strait - Country Boy. Examples like these are just uncreative. Also the reason why Brad Paisley is my favorite. : J