Crash Bandicoot: N Sane Trilogy


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Alright.....I got my first game for the PS4 that I got recently. I decided to get this one 'cause there are 3 Crash Bandicoot games in this one disc. I don't think that's bad for $30......that's basically $10 per game. Anyway, I got this game to 1) have something to play on the PS4 while I wait for the Harry Potter game to come out next year and 2) I wanted to make sure that PS4 worked (since I bought it used).

Has anyone else played this game? I've only start playing this last night and I haven't gotten that far.
Going with the hard games, should have gotten Sly cooper or Spyro.

So warning, Crash 1 gets really hard really fast, but in a good challenge way.

Crash 2 and 3 are the more fun games with Crash 2 IMO my most favorite.