Crash Override implodes after chat logs leak questionable conduct...


Gaming Latest Admin and Gaming Reinvented Owner
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Haven't heard of it? It's a group that's supposed to help victims of harassment, is associated with the Twitter 'trust and safety council' and was founded by Zoe Quinn. Unfortunately for them, the chat logs for the organisation were released too, and well...

It's not going too well.


Because we now get proof that they're attacking people, reporting those on other sites for simply disagreeing and being involved with people that have done some pretty legally questionable things in the past. It's depressing, and makes it pretty clear that the organisation cares little about helping people and more about being an ego trip for a group of internet friends.

So yeah, it's interesting if you want to see some of the stuff certain people in the gaming industry are involved in. And not in a good way!
Haven't heard of it? It's a group that's supposed to help victims of harassment, is associated with the Twitter 'trust and safety council' and was founded by Zoe Quinn.

Didn't have to read any further past that to know that it would be corrupt and out of power. What a terrible person.
There's also this as well.

Also, really Hillary?

Your real names not even Hillary?

Wikileaks is my best friend! lol
Wait, is that real?

Because damn, that's messed up. I mean, what kind of life are you living if people's names are annoying you that much?
Also, YouTube just killed itself!

Demon_Skeith CM30 This is going to burn them in the fire.....
