Craziest site?


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What is the craziest website/forum you have ever been on?
I think Yahoo Answers is one of the craziest websites I ever been on. Some Yahoo members ask the craziest questions, and reply with the craziest answers.
Something religious-related but somehow relatively harmless from other sites I haven't made accounts on. Definitely, after seeing SomeOrdinaryGamers the award goes to Joy of Satan.

Gaming related though Wario Forum can be crazy at times.
The late Jellyneo Forums was one of the crazier forums (and Neopets fan communities) I'm aware of, but not crazy in a bad way knowing that I've had my fair share of fun with the inhabitants there before things went kaput. These guys were quite famous for their Random Roleplay and Doctor Who parodies back when they were at their peak. I miss all the shenanigans the members and staff had at their shoutbox, the heart of that forum.