Crypto Currencies


Well-Known Member
Anyone know about Crypto Currencies? They are a new time of "$". It all first started with Bitcoin and its now growing. it is like investing in stocks, you buy low and sell high. 
never herd of this.
Demon_Skeith said:
never herd of this.
I'm a litle surprised that you don't know about the Bitcoin (BTC).

The BTC is pretty big. One BTC was almost as much as an ounce of gold before China cracked down on them, if I'm correct.
One bitcoin costed over $1000 USD at one time last week.

Bitcoin is a good currency since it is not tied to countries, so if you live in an unstable country like Egypt you don't have to worry about the government, and the banks taking away your money for whatever reason.
This was a good idea. I've seen many online services offering Bitcoin or other cryptocurrencies as a payment option. I also believe a lot of people are making huge sums of profit using these systems. I'm not that interested however, I'll stick go good old fashion money :).
I read Jamaica Bob sled team got a lot of donations from Dogecoin crypto currency which the Jamicans use to go to the Winter Sochi Olympics.