Crytek: It's Getting Hard To 'Wow' Gamers With Graphics


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n a recent interview with Dark Side of Gaming, Nicolas Schulz, principal rendering engineer at Crytek's main studio, admitted that it's getting hard to impress gamers with real-time visuals.

Why? Perhaps because the visual aspect of gaming is beginning to level off. There's no huge jump as we saw in the late 1990s and 2000s. Still, developers have tricks up their sleeve that should force a few jaws to drop as realism is pushed to the limits.

"As opposed to the times of the original Crysis, we as an industry have reached a quality level now where it is getting increasingly more difficult to really wow people," he said. "That said, there's still enough areas to explore and we will definitely keep pushing the boundaries as much as possible."

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I agree that it is harder to impress gamers with Graphics. A lot of gamers these days probably want fun gameplay which is one of the reason that Minecraft, Goat Simulator, League of Legends and Dota 2 are so popular with Gamers.
There is a limit, you can't make something look better than reality and not call it anime,