Cyberdimension Neptunia: 4 Goddesses Online


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Finished beating another neptunia game, now all the neptune games are never known for their game play, they are known for their story, characters, interactions and all the great moments that makes you love the cast. This game has all that but sadly they doubled down on the poor gameplay. It plays very similar to an offline style MMO game, but everything is buggy, the AI is dumb as rocks, you can get stuck in place when fighting large monsters, you can still hear characters run as a cut scene happens and best of all, it got an update just as I played it that wiped out the clothing store, making you unable to buy anything (not that it was essential thank god).

Best of all, the game always took 3-5 minutes to load every time you boot it up, thankfully the rest of the game didn't have any load screens but might be the reason for lots of glitches.

Anyone else here play this?