Daily or weekly payroll?


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How do you like getting your pay for work done? Do you fancy getting paid on daily basis or weekly basis? Personally, I favor weekly or even bi-weekly pay.

Which one is your favorite?
I get paid weekly, but pay is pay and I really don't care how it works if I get paid enough. I think there are less taxes being paid weekly but not sure.
I get paid weekly, but pay is pay and I really don't care how it works if I get paid enough. I think there are less taxes being paid weekly but not sure.
Weekly pay is definitely better for me. Yeah, I get that pay is pay but I can't really be comfortable with daily pay.
Sure everyone would prefer to get paid more frequency and quicker but most jobs pay bi-weekly or monthly. It's pretty common practice, at least here in the US. Sometimes freelancers are paid weekly or even daily, it just depends on the arrangement.
When I worked, I got paid weekly as that was the norm. I wouldn't want to be paid daily nor biweekly. There's just something about once a week that feels the best. You have time to think about purchases yet bills can be paid without stress.