Dawn of the Dad: Fathers Are the New Videogame Superheroes


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A broad-shouldered, brick-fisted, angry-looking space marine thunders across the battlefield, bullets screaming from his machine gun as he stares down his monstrous, fascist foes without fear or pity.

Sound like any videogame you’ve played recently? Sound like all of them? There is some hope: The faceless, furious badass main character that has become so cliche in today’s games is dying out, and he’s about to be replaced by a new kind of hero. Dad.

Recently, we’ve seen major games starring characters like a workaday father on a mining operation saving up money for his family (Lost Planet 3), soldiers driven by love of family (Medal of Honor, Dead Space 3) or men acting as surrogate fathers for lost little girls (The Walking Dead, I Am Alive, The Last of Us). In each of these games, the goal seems to be to take videogame storytelling beyond the average cookie-cutter action heroes in order to dig at deeper emotions and motivations.

“People will do absolutely anything for their families,” said Sean Vanaman, lead writer on the Walking Dead videogame. The episodic game series has won critical acclaim for its portrayal of two main characters, Lee and Clementine, who both lose their entire families as the game begins. The player controls Lee and must constantly make decisions as to the fate of young Clementine.
