I enjoy all the deadrising games not just for the zombie killing spree but the humour the game as lol. Taking photo's of zombies and selfies and much more its so funny.
I didn't play very much of this game, but from what I did play I found it pretty enjoyable , albeit frustrating at times. I've heard many people say that it's kind of hard to get into during the beginning, and I would have to agree. While I found the gameplay fun it was super easy to get yourself killed, and being the only way to save is through restrooms it could get annoying. If I ended up dying super far away from the last restroom and had to make my way back through all those zombies, it would get super frustrating quick. The amount of time it could take to actually get simple things done was my main issue.
I only have little experience with these games on Xbox 360 but am looking forward to playing them on PS4 eventually. They seem a little dated though. Has anyone played this yet and if so is it worth picking up?