Delete one Anime


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If you could wipe one anime from the face of Earth, which would it be and why?
I wouldn't erase any anime series. Why would I want to deprive the people who enjoy it of their source of entertainment? I mean, sure, there are some anime series that I really dislike, such as the sports-related ones (about football, soccer, whatever), but some people may like them, so I wouldn't be selfish and erase them from existence just because I don't.
Diabolik Lovers.

No plot, a group of guys and one girl, and not even a single drop of action. Need I say more? I dropped the anime at episode 5. I couldn't stand watching another episode. I only reached that far because I was hoping that it'd get better, but it never did. Wasted some minutes of my life that I'm not getting back ;-; 
Marc said:
Diabolik Lovers.

No plot, a group of guys and one girl, and not even a single drop of action. Need I say more? I dropped the anime at episode 5. I couldn't stand watching another episode. I only reached that far because I was hoping that it'd get better, but it never did. Wasted some minutes of my life that I'm not getting back ;-; 
was it just pure slice of life?
Demon_Skeith said:
was it just pure slice of life?
No. It was just vampires getting a girl  and sucking her blood. That's literally all that takes place in the anime. I think  it's a fan service or whatever you call it for females >_>
Demon_Skeith said:
so anime version of twilight?
No no. Twilight actually had a decent enough plot. Diabolik Lovers is 500 times worst. Watch the first 3 episodes and you'll see. Yes, you'll see, huehuehue :p
If I could wipe one anime from the face of the earth, I would probably choose, hmm.....well, damn, now when it comes to picking just one....I can't choose.
There are so many anime that I dislike.
Well,for now, I would go with elfen lied