Design flaw in Galaxy Note 5 S Pen slot causes pen detection to break, pen to get stuck


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Don't ever stick you Galaxy Note 5 stylus in backward (which is surprisingly easy to do!) - you'll probably break S Pen detection on your phone, permanently.

I wonder how many people are careless or dumb enough to put their S-Pen in Backwards.
I really didn't know there was a right or wrong way. So why isn't samsung fixing this issue?
I really didn't know there was a right or wrong way. So why isn't samsung fixing this issue?

I think most Note 5 owners will probably know they need to insert the pen sharper tip end into The S-Pen slot instead of inserting the flatter end of the pen into the S-pen slot.
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I think most Note 5 owners will probably know they need to insert the pen sharper tip end into The S-Pen slot instead of inserting the flatter end of the pen into the S-pen slot.
Hopefully people at parties leave their phones home when they're drinking a lot ;-; ...or at least try not to use the pen at that time >.<
I bet a third party smartphone accessory maker like Belkin, Logitech, etc will create a third-party S-Pen Stylus which won't get stuck, and work with the Note 5.