Destiny 2 is being renamed & going free-to-play, eliminating PS4 exclusive content, getting cross-save, moving from to Steam


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Bungie is hosting a Destiny 2 stream today at 10AM Pacific / 1PM Eastern to reveal the next expansion and their plans for the game going forward, but Engadget accidentally put their news article up early. I don't want to just copy and paste the whole article, so here's a summary:

  • The game is being renamed to Destiny 2: New Light
  • Once Shadowkeep launches on September 17th, the base game will go free-to-play and include "all year one content, including "foundational modes, activities and rewards."" So you'll be able to play the base game, as well as the content added as part of the Curse of Osiris and Warmindexpansions, for free
  • "This represents a change for the Destiny franchise as it seeks to lure gamers away from popular free titles like Fortnite. Previously, players paid upfront for the game and bought big expansions to gain access to new raids, missions and in-game items, either separately or as an annual pass subscription. Now, the core game will stay free, while additional content will be made available in the form of paid "à la carte" offerings like Shadowkeep."
  • Going forward, no more content will be made exclusive to one platform over others. All platforms will have the same access to all new content at the same time
  • Cross-save will be added for Xbox One, PC, and Google Stadia. No PS4 support for now
  • Soon, the game will move from to Steam on PC. Existing players will be able to migrate all characters and purchases over to the Steam version once this happens
This should all be officially announced in a few hours.
I added Destiny 2 to my account when it was offered for free once before. And I never installed it or anything. Just didn't feel like playing it. (I'd played Destiny 1 and it was ok, but didn't really enthrall me enough to continue into 2.)

This will be no different for me. I'll likely add it to my Steam list and it'll sit there. But I'll probably never play it.

That said the cross platform save could be awesome if they manage to get the PS4 set up too.