Destiny Comes With A Free Current-Gen Upgrade


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Destiny launches next week on a bunch of different consoles. Since developer Bungie has a ten-year plan for the game, it may outlast some of the devices its debuting on. But if you're starting Destiny on the Xbox 360 or PS3, don't worry: jumping to the next generation won't cost you anything—for now.

Activision and Bungie, Destiny's publisher and developer respectively, just announced a "digital upgrade" offering for Destiny that will allow players who get the game for Xbox 360 or PS3 to migrate to the Xbox One or PS4 free of a charge for a limited time. That means that you'll get the base game and any other bells and whistles you've picked up along the way such as season passes, DLC, what have you, delivered straight to your PS4 or Xbox One once you decide to make the jump.

This is great news for anyone frustrated with the feeling that they've been asked to pay for the same game twice if they want to play the newest version, thanks to all the high-profile ports and HD remakes that have been coming out recently for Sony and Microsoft's newest consoles. As always, however, there are a few caveats that gamers should be wary of. The special deal only works within a single console family, for instance, so don't expect to get the game for free on your new PS4 if you started playing on the 360. Also, this is a limited time offer.

The wording in Activision and Bungie's announcement is a little vague, but the date it highlights is January 15th, 2015 as the deadline to redeem your voucher for the current-gen stuff. I reached out to Activision and Bungie's representatives to ask if that means you can still wait and keep playing the last-gen version until some later date when you finally decide to get a new console, and will update this story once I hear back.

So anyone getting this and for what console? I may get it for PS3.