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So who has it and what do you think? Or do you plan on getting it?
I have Destiny on PS4 and I think it's a decent game.

The controls are solid and responsive. Guns have a decent amount of weight/recoil behind them and do good damage. Equipment drops enough so your gear is relatively close to whatever level your in. Playing through the campaign with allies is a blast. And in some cases becomes necessary to even survive (since high level enemies/missions can mean failure or many visits to a game over screen).

Competitive Multiplayer is solid, though best avoided until you're at least level 15. Otherwise you're only likely to be shredded by others with far better equipment than you. (Since even if your damage scales up, they often have better guns... like blue or purple class weapons rather than just greens. Plus they have extra benefits from levelling their classes like a more powerful melee or super move.)

My major gripe though is that it feels like there is FAR too much loading to go back to the tower (the place you need to go to turn in bounties, get new items, decode engrams, etc...)  And getting into an online match, depending on type of course, can see long waits while their servers search for players. 

Also... this is more MMO than they want to admit and there is TONS of grinding. Which isn't necessarily bad, if you know what you're getting into and don't mind putting in the time.
I'd imagine it'd have 2 million to 2.5 million (I doubt they'd have much more than that for maximum.) So that'd be a maximum amount of people playing on PS4 at any one time. But at any given time there wouldn't be that many and they'd be divided up among all their modes. 
There are more players on PS4 now than there were before. But also the PS4 version is the leading selling version of the game with approx 3.3 million copies sold (according to VGchartz). Plus I'd recommend getting it on the next gen systems because there's some exclusive content on next gen consoles. (2 extra strike missions for one...)

For some tips that may be useful... (Though you may have figured out some of these already...)
Hand cannons (or Scout rifles) make for very effective ways to dispatch enemies if you're skilled at getting headshots (or critical hits). Most enemies will go down in 1-2 hits from a hand cannon (on easier difficulties or provided you're at the proper level). But the trade off is you have so much less ammo to work with. (Auto rifles usually have 300+ in reserve where a Hand cannon might have 70 for it's maximum.) So often times it's not even worth considering a hand cannon unless it has over 6-7 shots. (There are some with up to 11 shots.)
Fusion rifles can be fairly useful if you can time them right (since they have that charge up period). They also tend to do higher damage to enemies and can burn through shields pretty quickly. However on tradeoff they can't do critical hits. 
Shotguns, for the most part, are worthless in Player vs Environment. Their range is pretty low (basically if you could shotgun something, you could melee it instead to do the same, if not more, damage) and their limited ammo (typically 4-5 in the gun and 10-15 in reserve) and slow reload means you'd be at risk using them more often than not. 
In PvP (Crucible matches) they fair better though seeing as how at close range they can one-shot most guardians. (Even a Titan Striker launching their super move... if you catch them before they/their super hits ground.)
For sniper rifles, try to find a solid void type sniper rifle because these tend to be fairly rare and void damage is useful against the Vex. Even better if you can find a void sniper with explosive rounds...
Also pay attention to the mods each weapon has. Some of the good ones are:
Explosive rounds - Scout rifles, sniper rifles - Each round explodes when it hits, dealing a port of it's damage to everything close to the target.
Skip rounds - auto rifle, pulse rifles, LMG - Each round can bounce off hard surfaces, carry more rounds in reserve. (If you're skilled you can bounce bullets around corners with these.)
Horseshoes and Grenades - Rocket Launcher only - Rockets explode once they get close to a target... Just don't fire too close to enemies.
Also, when fighting enemies with shields pay attention to what colour their shield is. Some of them (especially the Flayers in Mars' strike mission) have colour coded shields that mean they're weak to either Arc (blue), Void (purple) or Solar damage (red). Hitting them with whatever weapon shares that element will do considerably more damage to their shield. (I was fighting a Flayer, using a Fusion rifle that did 111 per hit normally, but against the one with the Void weakness I was doing 250+ per hit. And that's when I was down a level too.)
When it comes to levels, try to avoid fighting enemies more than 1 level above you. Otherwise you will get wrecked. Enemies that are even 1 level higher than you do more damage to you and you do less to them. (If memory serves you do 20% less damage per level your're down. At 4 levels down, you basically can't win.) Things also become even more difficult when you engage in weekly strikes that have modifiers that make things harder.
Some modifiers are:
Heroic - Enemies are tougher and more aggressive.
Epic - There are more enemies that have yellow HP and shields, more enemies, enemies are more aggressive.
Arc Burn - Arc damage from any source does 300% damage.
Solar Burn - Solar (Fire) damage from any source does 300% damage.
Void burn - Void damage from any source does 300% damage.
Lightswitch - Enemies deal more melee damage (watch out for Stealth Vandals! They will one-shot you on higher difficulties or they will gang up on you.)
Juggler - You only get ammo for weapons in reserve. (So no ammo for whichever gun you're using.)

Also, anyone looking to play some strikes on PS4, feel free to add me (My PSN is my username here). 
Some bad news there...
It looks like the offer doesn't apply unless you bought a digital copy on previous gen (according to their website). So if you bought physical version then you're out of luck. I don't know if they have a 10$ upgrade option like other games (Call of Duty: Ghosts for one) have done where you can just pay extra and get the next gen version digitally. 
figures, but it would take a good day and a half to digitally download this game. So I won't be going digital or paying more for this, it's a good game but not that much.

Also, I'm already starting to get bored with this game. I know there is other stuff but I don't have the set up to ever do the vault of glass so I'm wondering how they will keep people busy with this game.
I just started playing it today for PS4. I'm not really feeling the hype about the game anyway. It's a good pass time and great graphics but not a story to ride home with. It's ok. Just like other random shooter games.
AidsorHIV said:
I just started playing it today for PS4. I'm not really feeling the hype about the game anyway. It's a good pass time and great graphics but not a story to ride home with. It's ok. Just like other random shooter games.
I think the hype went on launch. Still looks fun to play though.