Devil May Cry HD Collection


GamingLatest Slave
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Looks like a decent collection for fans of the series or people getting into it. I'm not sure if the series is for me, but might buy this on the cheap one day.
This is highly recommended to all who like action games. Spoiler alert, Devil May Cry 3 is the best in the series.
I feel like if I wait long enough this will appear on PSN+ free.
I've got Devil may cry 3 and 4 and I'm using PlayStation 3, it's an old game with cool cinematics, Im a fan of Capcom games since Street fighter and Marvel vs Capcom was released in the 1990's and early 2000's. Devil may cry is one of those iconic Capcom games with Dante and Nero as the main characters.

I think Capcom would be releasing a 5th edition to this game and you can be sure that I'm going to buy that game soon.IMG_20180611_201522_880.jpg
I've got Devil may cry 3 and 4 and I'm using PlayStation 3, it's an old game with cool cinematics, Im a fan of Capcom games since Street fighter and Marvel vs Capcom was released in the 1990's and early 2000's. Devil may cry is one of those iconic Capcom games with Dante and Nero as the main characters.

I think Capcom would be releasing a 5th edition to this game and you can be sure that I'm going to buy that game soon.View attachment 975

Yes it is. Here's a link to the video reveal of DMC 5 plus other big announcements.
Thanks for the link, I'll take a look at it now. I just finished re-watching Dante in the old anime series which was shown in '08 I think and it's good. There's also news that a new movie is set to be made this year, I'm waiting for that one.