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The first competitive Ladder season of Diablo 2 Resurrected is now live, bringing with it a whole host of updates to the game and significant gameplay changes for the first time in a decade.
For those simply looking for details on when the Diablo 2 Resurrected Ladder Resets, including the potential end date for Season 1,then read on!
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What Is Ladder Ranked Play In Diablo 2 Resurrected?
Ladder play in Diablo 2 Resurrected is essentially a ranked competitive system that allows players to test themselves against other players. Normally this consists of putting your skills to the test with a fresh Ladder-specific character and a series of modes which present their own unique challenges. Each mode will have their own leaderboard where players compete to strategically gain experience within a limited timeframe while having access to Ladder-specific content.
Leaderboard rankings will reset once the Ladder season ends and shift characters to non-ladder mode. This will give you the opportunity to store your hard-earned treasured loot and Ladder-specific items for future Ladder seasons.

What Are The different Ladders?
Like the original game, Diablo 2 Resurrected offers four different Ladder modes for players to experience, including:

Ladder Version---Mode Description
Classic Ladder---The normal version of Ladder play that encompasses playing with four acts.
Hardcore Classic Ladder---The hardcore (only 1 life) version of Ladder play that encompasses playing with four acts.
Expansion Ladder---The normal version of Ladder play that encompasses playing five acts, as it includes the “Lord of Destruction” expansion content.
Hardcore Expansion Ladder---The hardcore (only 1 life) version of Ladder play that encompasses playing five acts, as it includes the “Lord of Destruction” expansion content.
Diablo 2 Resurrected Ladder Reset – 2022 Dates
Originally the Diablo 2 Ladder would last 6 months, but when Blizzard launched the Diablo 2 Resurrected ladder they released it with the following statement: “Revamped Ladder Seasons – Join the ranks of Diablo II: Resurrected players worldwide and enjoy the race to the top of the ladder. Rank up in a new, exclusive ladder system with more frequent restarts and earn your place among legends.”
It sounds like the game won’t be resetting the D2R Ladder every 6 months, but equally the dev team have not confirmed exactly how long the current Season 1 will last. What is worth noting is a comment from Design Lead Robert Gallerani back in December, who suggested that each season will be 4 months long.

“Three months is too quick,” Gallerani said when speaking on a community Livestream hosted by MrLlamaSC. “Six months is too long and five just feels off considering twelve months in a year.”
The team supposedly settled on four-month seasons citing that the community seems fine with this length, and also allows the team to release three unique seasons in a year, which we imagine keeps the game as fresh as possible without creating too much work.

Diablo 2 Resurrected Ladder – Season 1 Start/End Dates
Following a series of delays, the Diablo 2 Resurrected ladder season 1 started on April 28, 2022. Assuming that the developers stick to their promise of a 4 month reset, we imagine Season 1 will end around August 25, 2022.
I am really hyped for the ladder system, if it's done right might be really good and sm fun for the diablo community