Did cheap $200 computers with 32GB storage cause fewer people to play games on PC?


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It is possible that cheap computers with 32GB of storage may of cause some people to not choose to play PC Games on their PC if they only own a cheap computer with 32GB of storage space, and don't own a USB hard drive or flash drive for installing games to. Most of these cheap computers don't have disc drives, so it is not possible to play games off a disc like older game consoles like the Playstation 2.

I think after installing a few big programs, Windows updates, and storing a few video files, these cheap computers with 32GB of space barely had enough to install an older PC game like Final Fantasy 3 which need 800MB/0.8GB of free space.
If they buy second hard parts and build the PC themselves they can get an i5-3/4XXX with RX470/480/570/580, 8GB RAM, 1TB storage and play whatever they want for the same price.
Used computers can be good for gaming compared to buying a cheap new computer with only 32GB space which is not enough space to store a few bigger PC games because Windows and programs like Antivirus and Office progrsms may use up most of the space.

In my experience, used computers can be pretty reliable where thay still work after 5 years of regular use.

I can find sometimes find good deals on used $200 to $400 desktop computers which have a dual to quad-core 1.9 GHz CPU, 4GB to 8 GB RAM, and a 500GB or larger hard drive. But, you may need to install a better video card to play more video intensive
possibly, you can't play a lot on those specs.
possibly, you can't play a lot on those specs.

This is true you cant play much on a cheap PC with 32GB of space, and a slow cpu and video chip.

I feel a few frustrated cheap PC users may go back to a computer store, and buy a larger external hard drive for their cheap PC to install a few more games onto their computer. Some non-gamung users may play old games like Quake 3 on their cheap PC and become more interested in PC Gaming, and buy a better Gaming PC in the future.