Did some game-related stuff in Best Buy

Super Leaf

Official N3DSC Leaf
If any of you dont know,Best Buy is an electronics store.Well, I went there to looks for a wireless router to get my 3ds connected to the internet.
I tried Kinect for the first time there,and I was impressed at first,but then realized that it doesnt work very well.It barely detects body movement,and you have to be in an exact spot and angle.Then I tried Streetpass with the demo 3ds there.It worked and I got a new Puzzle (Metroid Other M).So I hope to get the router tomorrow or the next day,and to have it set up before the update.
Heh, I just buy everything with my Play Coins instead of getting help from street pass.



Sooo... you're saying Kinect is too derpy to be fun?
perty much. although that was my first time and the game (kinect adventures) wasnt too great.I might have gotten used to it after a while if i had it(a kinect) though.