Did you begin buying school supplies or work supplies yet?


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Nope, not in school, but I might buy some computer tools for fixing my computer, and software like MS Office 2010.
We dont get our supply lists until the day before school, so no.
I find buying used school books on Amazon, Ebay, and other online book store or off friends who took the class can save me hundreds of dollars per year when I was in College. The College book store books are so expensive.
Indeed, it is a good time to stock up on paper, pencils, and other supplies. It can also be a good time to buy a laptop, computer, or calculator since those things are also on sale.
nope. on the first day of school throughout each period the teachers tell us what crap we need and we have to write it down.
we don't get printed lists xD
Can't you just buy the basics like binders, pencils, pens, paper, pencil crayons, and erasers first while they are still on sale?