Did you get everything as a kid?


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While growing up, did your parents provide everything that you asked for? Was there a time that they are unable to give you something that you wanted?
I wouldn't say everything, but a fair amount of stuff.
I think that I got most of the things that I needed. My parents made sure of it. But did I get everything I needed as an adult? Hell NO!!
I think that I got most of the things that I needed. My parents made sure of it. But did I get everything I needed as an adult? Hell NO!!

Being an adult is a big task on it's own. You learn to suffer and grind almost alone. Sometimes, I want to be treated like a kid again.
I did for the most part but I didn't really know the quality of the things I wanted as a kid. Nowadays I have specific wants that make me feel like life isn't all that bad.
I have gotten a whole lot greedy as an adult lol... I keep wanting more and more....like a glutton lol.