As I'm currently on a laptop, I obviously didn't build mine myself, but I might be looking into building a simple gaming machine in the near future, so I'm interested how the split goes on this forum!
I got mine prebuilt. But it wasn't a gaming pc, it was marketed as a pc for work. Gaming pcs are overpriced, but when they're marketed as for other uses like music or design software, you get bette value for money.
I built mine some years ago and honestly I thought it was very enjoyable and I actually have an itch to build another one or at least make some significant upgrades to my current one but alas I don't have the money for it.
5 years ago I built my gaming system, and as from today it does need upgrades but it's the money, However I do have an gaming Laptop. But it still plays games at high settings that has Windows 7
way back in 2012, I have built one by myself. Unfortunately, it did not last long... had some major errors with hooking up to the power supply. or maybe the power supply did not provide enough power to the whole system... don't know but I went with this company called 'falcon northwest'. They're pretty good & well crafted. I have one of their 'talon' systems.
My hubby built the PC we have, it's not one that is pre-built computers that you can just buy at the store and hook it up once you get it home. I like it that way because you get the computer the way you want it.