Did you wish more game consoles were made in America, Canada, or a western country?


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Yes, it would be a cool job being able to build game consoles as a job in Canada, and I know I be supporting more of the local economy by buying a game console made in Canada.
Canada has a very solid economy as far as I know, America needs the help, but damn would the console cost a lot.
Indeed, console will cost more unless it is made with mostly Robots and machines which only need electricity, money needed to buy robots, and a few workers to maintain the robots.

There might be more workers who can afford game consoles in Western countries if there are more electronics assembly jobs in America, Canada, and other Western countries.

Some Cars, planes, and musical instruments are still made in western countries, but I think cars, planes, etc are mostly made with Robots for a lot of the repetitive tasks these days.
It would definitely be good to have game consoles (or anything really) created in my home country, America because it could boost the economy (or at least help do that) and it would give a lot of jobs. Unfortunately, due to the minimum wage laws here the companies making the products wouldn't profit as much. From their view, they will not want to do this..ever. (if their motive to continue business is purely financial at least)

I'm blazin''' hell yeah!
Well sure. Not just because I want to support the local economy but more competition = cheaper prices :)
it be nice, but the game makers won't leave china.
I predict console makers will leave China if enough Chinese people demand better wages and working conditions like western countries like America, Canada, etc.

I also heard on the news Chinese people now want cars, iPhones, iPads, computers, bigger houses, more land, materialism and to travel more, and with a few dollars in wages they can't do most of these activities which more westerners do, so fewer people want to work at console factories, and more will work where wages are higher, or just open up their own shops to earn more instead of being taken advantage of by the rich factory owner which pays them dollars a day which is ridiculous since many self-employed people who do less heavy work from home make more then dollars a day by just writing blog posts, uploading video tutorials to YouTube, website marketing, and paid forum posting.

The Console makers will rebuild their factories in Mexico, Africa, etc where there are poor people who are willing to work for dollars a day...
I'm not sure how a bloody civil war will solve problems will low wages at console makers since the console makers are owned by factory owners, and not the government. Sony, MS, Nintendo, etc will most likely just move their factories away from China if there is a civil war.

A factory strike, Boycott of consoles, and people in the Western world demanding better wages for workers who are being taken advantage of with poor working conditions and low wages can increase wages.
I'm not sure how a bloody civil war will solve problems will low wages at console makers since the console makers are owned by factory owners, and not the government. Sony, MS, Nintendo, etc will most likely just move their factories away from China if there is a civil war.

A factory strike, Boycott of consoles, and people in the Western world demanding better wages for workers who are being taken advantage of with poor working conditions and low wages can increase wages.

I honestly don't believe we know the whole social standing of China who wides a lot of things behind their walls.
Maybe the Chinese work for low wages as an excuse to copy American and Japanese Game console technology, and sell their console for insanely cheap prices in hopes their Chinese console clones which uses the free Google Android, and other free operating system like Linux will be more popular, and eventually take sales away from Sony, MS, and Nintendo.

Example of Chinese made Consoles run on Alternative Operating Systems like Google Android and Linux.


