Did you wish more of your gadgets, handhelds can use the Sun/solar power to charge?


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Yes, it would be cool if it was possible to use the sun or light to charge my laptop battery, cell phone, hand helds, etc, but those solar panel attachment for gadgets are kind of expensive.
nah, get a rainy day or bad indoor lighting and your going to be doing a version of finding a good signal spot like you have to do with your cell phone.
Indeed, I think a dual charging system would be better like you can leave your cell phone on your desk to charge with the power of the sun or indoor light, or you can plug it into the wall to charge overnight.

Solar power would be good for the Desert where the sun shines most of the time, but power is hard to find since the desert only have sand, and lots of cactus.
An App where someone who can find water in the desert, or the closest desert town with water would be very useful for people who go to the desert.
Then these gadgets suits me well. The place I live is hot and sunny for the whole year. But I am not afford to buy them as they must be very expensive! :rolleyes:
The only solar powered gadget I own is a solar powered calculator which comes in handy for when I need to do math. I think it cost me 10 dollars, so it was not very expensive.
Yes and no. Yes, because it could be very efficient in the long run and cost effective too since you wouldn't be spending as much money on spare or replacement batteries.

No, because weather is unpredictable and heat and sunlight can often be a natural enemy where electronics are concerned.

Personally, I would much rather have a solar powered charging mat, this way, I can charge my devices, and without having to worry about over-exposing them to the heat and sunlight while doing so.