Did you wish the address bar on your Web browser had spell check?


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I think it be a good idea since on rare occassions I type in address like Youtuube.com instead youtube.com and I go to a site with ads instead of youtube.com.

The people who make the browser can just make a dictionary of 1 million of the most visited website links world wide and put it in the dictionary, and if someone type in the wrong address the user have the option to have the webbrowser correct the spelling error or go to the domain name they type in.
I don't think it would be good because I go to a lot of sites that don't have actual words in them...

For example, my schools site is www.udel.edu, so that would always come up as a mispelled word and annoy me.
True, but the makers can always make it possible for the user to make a list of ignored links to not check for spelling or add the link to their personal link dictionary like how MS Word allows people to add new words to the dictionary like "Spyware" which usually shows up as a wrongly spelled word in most versions.

I just hate it when I type in hotmale instead of hotmail which lead me to a vastly different site...
When i am at my college's computer, the lines that appear in a word program appear when i am posting in a forum. you know the red and green lines that tell you if you spelt it wrong or have the grammer wrong.
QUOTE (froggyboy604 @ October 08, 2009 01:25 pm) True, but the makers can always make it possible for the user to make a list of ignored links to not check for spelling or add the link to their personal link dictionary like how MS Word allows people to add new words to the dictionary like "Spyware" which usually shows up as a wrongly spelled word in most versions.

I just hate it when I type in hotmale instead of hotmail which lead me to a vastly different site...
Just a tip so you dont have to see that again. Mail.Live.com

Also, I am sorry you had to see that....
lmao, hotmale. that's a good one but it suck to type that in and have that come up. but anyways I either use google to get to a website or the website is already saved on a list that I can click on in my address bar.
I usually just use my bookmarks to go to my favourite websites which I go to on a daily basis. This prevents me from visiting disturbing, and fishy looking websites. Plus, I save alot of time by not typing in the address.

I notice most sites that have similar spellings to popular websites like youtube are usually crap and contain lots of sponsor ads, something bad like spyware, or something unwanted (weird porn, scams, etc)