Different ending for WWII


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If the axis powers had defeated the allies, how do you think the world would be right now?

I think the Nazis would have tried to invade the United States, or (given Hitler's track record) possibly Japan. And failed miserably.

I think the Nazis would have tried to invade the United States, or (given Hitler's track record) possibly Japan. And failed miserably.

most likely since he would have spread his troops to thin and they just got over run. but of course the war death total would have doubled if not tripled.
Well, it all depends. I doubt they would get into the US. If they managed, US would probably call their allies in, possibly even making a trues with Japan, resulting in no bombing. Following that, Germany would probably still end up getting screwed over, or this would continue for awhile, finally Hitler dying, US would beat their asses into the ground with allies. Basically the outcome is close to the same, except without the strong hate of Americans from the Japanese, no bombing, and a longer war. I'd say we would still be here. It might have gone into the Cold War era, so US would be fighting two wars. On the bright side, we would have even more advanced technology.
Well, it all depends. I doubt they would get into the US. If they managed, US would probably call their allies in, possibly even making a trues with Japan, resulting in no bombing. Following that, Germany would probably still end up getting screwed over, or this would continue for awhile, finally Hitler dying, US would beat their asses into the ground with allies. Basically the outcome is close to the same, except without the strong hate of Americans from the Japanese, no bombing, and a longer war. I'd say we would still be here. It might have gone into the Cold War era, so US would be fighting two wars. On the bright side, we would have even more advanced technology.

how would we get more advance tech from that? the places and people who make it would be getting bombed and shot at.
how would we get more advance tech from that? the places and people who make it would be getting bombed and shot at.

True, but war is great for business. There are so many inventions that wouldn't exist with out war ( e.g. the Internet, microwaves, most medical tech, duct tape, plastics, bullet proofing, helmets, etc.)
If the war killed a smart inverter like Bill Gates the inventor of Microsoft Windows, we might all not be using personal computers or using Apple or Linux computers. Some of the inventions we used a lot today were invented by common folk.
I agree with Cryo. And I strongly doubt anyone would come into America. -_- We are so well protected, I feel like we are over protected. The only incident I can recall is 9/11.
I wouldn't say that about canada, who knows what they are planning :unsure:
True. I haven't heard much about there recently... Hell, Smosh made a Smosh Pit thing on their site of the Top 25 most unknown countries. Canada was at the bottom. The description said, "Not much is known about our white neighbors North..." And it said a couple of other things, but I forgot the rest.
If we (United States) didn't go and help out europe, Hitler would have controlled every part of Europe and had a lot more troops than us. If we didn't go over there and help out, I think we'd all be speaking German right now.

I think the Nazis would have tried to invade the United States, or (given Hitler's track record) possibly Japan. And failed miserably.

Well considering he had planned to ally with the British (but they refused) and wanted to takeover Japan I would say yes that is something he would have done but easily won.

It would be about the same as it is today except there would have been the downfall of the Nazis rather than the Communists