Other Digital Only Quake Con 2022


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“Like you, we’re disappointed to not return to Dallas this year,” Bethesda Softwares said in a statement. “An event of this size requires months of planning, and in this case, we had to make decisions when there was still too much uncertainty to commit to successfully executing an in-person QuakeCon.

“We’re committed to returning with our full in-person festival in 2023, and already looking forward to reconnecting with friends, a massive BYOC packed with your latest custom PC creations, our wild contests, and tons of great new games and hardware for attendees to try out.”
Too early to expect another doom game announcement I think and I believe they said they were going to make a quake game next.
I feel like Bethesda has a lot of influence if they have their own Con, but it's either you are really into it, or you aren't at all with no in-between. Hope it goes well.